A.D. 4956
Player Turn Announcement
The first screen that appears is the “Player Turn Announcement” screen. Click “OK”. Choose your Portrait, edit your name and click “OK” to continue.
Choose Your House Traits
Select the following Negative House Traits:
Select the following House Positive Traits:
Click “OK” to continue.
Technology Screen
This section details the technology screen and how to use the Manowitz Archives to aid in selection of technologies in Hyperion.
Click on the “Database” button. Since you have chosen all 3 Ancient Documentariums, you have 3 advances in Microbiology (Microbiology, Hospitals, and Pharmaceuticals) and Physics (Physics, Energy Physics, and Megachassis) and 2 in Psychosocial Engineering (Psychosocial Engineering and Meditation).
Click on “Microbiology” and select the “Archive” button. The Archive screen appears giving an overview of the Microbiology Technology including a mini tree of the Microbiology Technology Tree. The Mini-microbiology Technology Tree shows all the technologies for which Microbiology is a prerequisite. Do not worry about the meaning of the numbers before and after the technologies, we will get to that next. There is also a blurb by Bishop Xavier Holst on the benefits or banes of such a technology. Click the “Close” button.
Click on “Pharmaceuticals” and select the “Archive” button. Again, you have a mini-technology tree of this part of the Microbiology Tree. Let’s take a look at this branch:
(100) Microbiology Tech
(250) Pharmaceuticals
|-- (450) Psychopharmacology (-3)...
|++ (600) Genetic Manipulation (-1)...
|>< (425) Dervishes (-2)...
|>< (475) Tracker Legion
|>< (600) Advanced Minor Watercraft...
Build Biochem Plant
Build Fertilizer Specialist in Farms
The mini-technology trees in the archive encapsulate all the information you need to know about a technology, let’s look at the first part of the tree:
(100) Microbiology Tech
(250) Pharmaceuticals
|-- (450) Psychopharmacology (-3)...
|++ (600) Genetic Manipulation (-1)...
This section describes both the technologies that are prerequisites for Pharmaceuticals and technologies for which Pharmaceuticals is a prerequisite. Note that (100) Microbiology is the prerequisite for Pharmaceuticals. The number preceding the technology name in parentheses, in this case 100, is the number of research points required to acquire that technology. In this case, Microbiology requires 100 research points to complete. Pharmaceuticals requires 250 research points. Below the Pharmaceuticals segment you will notice that it is a prerequisite for two technologies: Psychopharmacology and Genetic Manipulation. The '--' and '++' in front of a technology indicates whether Pharmaceuticals is the only prerequisite or there are other technologies that are also prerequisites. In this case, Pharmaceuticals is the only prerequisite for Psychopharmacology, but Genetic Manipulation has Pharmaceuticals and at least one other technology as its prerequisite.
Also note that there is a negative number in parentheses after certain technologies. This is the Church Dislike Factor. Both Microbiology and Pharmaceuticals have no Church Dislike Factor, so this means that these technologies will never be proscribed during a game. Psychopharmacology and Genetic Manipulation have a Church Dislike Factor of -3 and -1, respectively. The smaller the Church Dislike Factor is, the greater the chance of that technology being proscribed by the church. A Church Dislike Factor of -5 or lower (-5 through -9) means that the technology is automatically proscribed by the Church at the beginning of the game. So that means only technologies of Church Dislike Factors of -1 to -4 are proscribable by the Church. Technologies with -4 are most likely to be proscribed while those with -1 are least likely to be proscribed. In Hyperion, technologies that have a high Church Dislike Factor are most likely to produce the best units. The reason why the Church does not like these technologies is because more often then not, these technologies involve various acts of blasphemy such as altering the human form or mixing man and machinery.
Finally, the ellipses (…) indicates that branch of the technology tree continues. So, for instance, both Psychopharmacology and Genetic Manipulation are prerequisites for other technologies.
The next section of the mini-technology tree is the Applied Technology section:
(250) Pharmaceuticals
|>< (425) Dervishes (-2)...
|>< (475) Tracker Legion
|>< (600) Advanced Minor Watercraft...
This section lists the Applied Technologies in which Pharamceuticals is a prerequisite (<>) or co prerequisite (><). In this case, Pharmaceuticals is a co prerequisite for all three Applied Technologies. Note that Applied Technologies have the same research cost, Church Dislike Factor, and ellipsis indicators as normal technologies; however, instead of the "--" for prerequisite and "++" for co prerequisite Applied Technologies use different symbols "<>" and "><", respectively, to indicate the same thing. This is so that it is easy to differentiate between Applied Technologies and normal technologies when looking at the mini-technology trees.
The last section of the mini-technology tree indicates what structure or units are available for building once this technology has been researched:
(250) Pharmaceuticals
Build Biochem Plant
Build Fertilizer Specialist in Farms
Once Pharmaceuticals has been researched, Engineer units can build Biochem plants. Also note that there are two pluses:
before the Build Fertilizer Specialist in Farms section. The two pluses indicate that the units that follow are capable of being built with the research of Pharmaceuticals and at least one other technology.
To find out which other technology is a prerequisite for Genetic Manipulation, click on the “Contents” button. Notice that all the Microbiology Technologies are available from this screen and that Genetic Manipulation is listed about halfway down. Click on Genetic Manipulation to bring up that technology’s mini tree:
Genetic Manipulation
(250) Genetics (-1) +
(250) Pharmaceuticals
(600) Genetic Manipulation (-1)
|-- (850) Viral DNA (-6)...
|-- (850) Advanced Bacteriology (-2)...
Build Chem Shock Legion in Fort...
Genetic Manipulation
From this screen, you can see that both Genetics and Pharmaceuticals are prerequisites for Genetic Manipulation. Click on the “Contents” button and then click on Legend to Tech Tree (at the bottom of the list). This section details the intricacies of the Manowitz technology section, including a key describing the symbols used. This Legend is present in Volumes 2-5. Click the “Close” button.
This brings you back to the “Database” screen and click on the “Exit” button to return to the Technology screen. From here, you have a few technologies available in Microbiology, Physics, and Psychosocial Engineering. It is recommended that you select Composite Armor (more about this later) as the technology to research by clicking on it and select “Research Tech” (or double click on Composite Armor). Confirm researching of that technology by clicking “Yes”.
Units and Structures
This section details important information about the units and structures that appear in Hyperion.
When you start, you are taken to your stack of units on Byzantium II. If your selected stack is not on Byzantium II, go to Byzantium II.
Right click on the Li Halan Fort to bring up the unit stack screen.
Note that you have 17 units in this stack consisting of 1 Freighter (Solar Wind), 1 Noble, 2 PTS Missile Launchers, 5 Power Armor Legions (Power Lgn), 2 Rebel Anti-Aircraft (Rebel Flak), 3 Rebel Anti-Tank Guns (Rebel ATG), 2 Rebel Artillery (Rebel Art), and 1 Cargo Pod containing 496 units of Food.
Notice that the Freighter has two cargo pods – this is similar to the Freighter unit in standard EFS. You will find that a lot of the units in Hyperion are similar to their standard EFS counterparts in unit usage. Note, however, that the Freighter’s statistics are actually quite different from the Freighter in standard EFS. This is the portion of Hyperion that may require getting used to as familiar looking units could have quite different statistics.
This stack contains some special units. The Rebel units (Rebel Flak, Rebel ATG, Rebel Art) are gifts from Rebel Factions sympathetic to your cause at the beginning of the game, but they can never be built nor will you receive any more. Use them wisely. Also the Power Armor Legions are too technologically advanced for your current level of technology so it will be a while before you can build them as well. Again, use them wisely. There is a Noble in the stack, a couple of PTS Missile Launchers, and a Food Cargo Pod.
Right click on each unit’s icon to study the unit’s statistics. Note that the Rebel units are all of Movement Type Hover and are fast at 12 movement points each. Hover units in Hyperion are able to move onto any terrain hex. The Rebel Flak has Air and Close weaponry, the Rebel ATG has Indirect and Direct weapons, and the Rebel Art has Indirect and Air capabilities. The Rebel Flak will perform well against Air and Foot units, the Rebel ATG will perform well against armored units, and the Rebel Art will perform well against armor, Foot, and Air units. Also note that the Power Lgns have attack capabilities in Indirect, Air, and Close. Their Indirect and Close make them adept at attacking other Foot units while their Air makes them useful against aircraft as well. Also note that they have good Armor.
Right click on the Freighter again and notice its Maintenance Statistic. Space ships in Hyperion are very expensive to maintain and so that is why the Freighter has a base Firebird upkeep cost of 226 per turn. Look at the Maintenance Statistic for the other units and note that it is substantially less on the other units then it is on the Freighter. This means that you will have to have lots of Firebirds to maintain a large space fleet.
Click on “Exit” to go back to the planet map and click on the “Wait” button to skip this stack of units for now - we will be coming back to them once we figure out which units are needed elsewhere.
You should be taken to a stack of 4 units located in a Farm on Kish. Right click on this stack.
Note that again, you have a couple of Rebel units (Rebel Flak, Rebel Art) as gifts combined with a Militia and Anti-tank Gun (ATG). Militia Lgns have Direct and Close weapons making them useful against armored and other Foot units. Anti-tank Gun’s have Indirect and Direct weaponry and so are useful against armored units primarily, Foot units secondarily. Notice that the ATG’s statistics are a lot lower than those of a Rebel ATG. Let’s cycle through all the stacks of your units, click “Exit”, then the “Wait” button.
Next you should be taken to a stack of 11 units located in a Fort on Kish. Again, right click on this stack and take a look at it.
Notice that there is 1 Officer Corp, 1 Scout Tank (Greyhound), 3 Medium Tanks (Wolfens), 2 SP Artillery (Smyters), 1 Rebel Soldier Legion (Soldier Lgn), 1 Anti-aircraft (Flak), 1 ATG, and 1 Rebel Art. Officers, in Hyperion are similar to standard EFS, although they have different statistics. Officers have Direct and Close weapons identical to that of a Militia. Scout Tanks are great at scouting uncovered terrain (note the 10 Movement Points and 10 Spot) and have good all-around ground combat capabilities against both Foot and Armored units (Indirect, Direct, and Close). They are also too technologically advanced for this stage of the game, so we will have to be careful with this unit. Medium Tanks have slightly better Indirect than Scout Tanks and are a lot more heavily armored, but have less movement and spotting. SP Artillery are mobile cousins of regular Artillery with Indirect and Air. Rebel Soldier Legions are another unit that has been given to you by sympathetic rebel factions at the beginning of the game and cannot be built. Note that they have combat abilities in 4 areas: Indirect, Air, Direct, and Close making them excellent all around units. Use them wisely. Anti-aircraft have Air and Close. Note again that the Flak’s statistics are a lot lower than those of a Rebel Flak’s. Click on “Exit” and then “Wait” to go to the next stack.
The next stack should be a group of 5 units containing 2 Militia, an ATG, and 2 Cargo Pods located in a Mine. Nothing new here, click “Wait” until you get to the next stack, a group of 4 units in a Factory. Nothing new here, 3 Militia and 1 ATG click “Wait”.
The next stack has 1 Clergy, 1 Militia, and 1 Artillery in the Church right click on this stack.
The Clergy has Psychic attack capabilities and the Artillery has Indirect and Air. Notice again the differences between the statistics of an Artillery and a Rebel Artillery. Click on “Exit” and then “Wait” to go to the next stack.
The next stack is located in your Palace. Right click on this stack.
Here you have 5 Sceptres, 4 Nobles, 1 Engineer, 3 Infantry, 1 Rebel ATG, 1 Rebel Art, and 2 Artillery. Nobles have Direct and Close superior to that of Officers and Militia and Infantry have Indirect and Air weaponry making them versatile units. Click “Exit” then “Wait” to go to the next stack.
The next stack is 2 Militia and 1 ATG in a Lab click “Wait” to go to the next stack. The next stack is 2 Militia in a Farm click “Wait” to go to the next stack.
The next stack should be your orbiting fleet above Kish. Right click on this stack.
This stack contains a Psy-Destroyer (Old Glory) your House’s Flagship, 1 Vlad Cruiser, 2 Space Frigates (Solar Flares), 2 Assault Landers (Shuttles), and 1 Bulk Hauler (Gas Giant). House Flagships are extremely powerful vessels especially after being upgraded as the game progresses. The Flagship’s input unit is the Flagship Artisan. The Flagship Artisan is the genius that knows how to design House Flagships from certain technologies available. You start the game with only 1 Flagship and if it is destroyed you cannot build another so be very careful with it. The other vessels in your space fleet are similar to the standard EFS space units, but again look at their statistics to see what their capabilities are and note the expensive Maintenance Statistic for each of these space ships. Click “Exit” and “Wait”.
Once again we return to the stack on Byzantium II. Click on the Fort’s “Build” button. Note that only an Engineer and Militia can be built in the Fort right now. Engineers and Militia can be built in any building. So this means there are no special units available for building at the Fort yet. Click on the “Exit” button. Go to your Palace on the planet Kish and click “Build”. Notice that here you can build the same units as the Fort with the addition of an Officer Corp. The Officer Corp is a special unit that can be built only in a Palace. Click on the Officer Corp and note that it requires 2 Food, 5 Metal, 2 Trace, 1 Chemicals and 4 Electronics to build. Unfortunately, you do not have the resources to make this unit at this time, so click “Exit”. Next right click on the Factory and click “Build”. Note here is similar to the Fort except that it can build a Freight Hauler. The Freight Hauler is a special unit that can only be built in a Factory. Click on the Freight Hauler and note that it appears that you have all the required resources to build this unit except it is still red. This is because the Freight Hauler also requires Energy, which is not included in the list. In Hyperion, there are a few of the early units that require raw Energy as a resource input; they are listed in the table below along with their Energy requirements.
Name | En | Name | En | Name | En |
Jet-Propulsion Fighters | 16 | Militia Legion | 2 | Infantry Legion | 4 |
Officer Corp | 2 | Flame Thrower Legion | 6 | Fanatic Legion | 4 |
Sniper Legion | 3 | Naval Transport | 18 | Submarine/td> | 18 |
Anti-Tank Gun | 12 | Anti-Aircraft Gun | 12 | Artillery | 12 |
Freight Hauler | 8 | SP Anti-Tank | 20 | SP Anti-Air | 20 |
SP Artillery | 20 | Anti-infantry Tank | 19 | Medium Tank | 19 |
Tank Killer | 19 | Gunboat | 16 | Naval Frigate | 21 |
Naval Destroyer | 1 | Naval Cruiser | 24 | Naval Battleship | 2 |
Aircraft Carrier | 26 | Special Operations Craft | 16 |   |   |
Note that the Freight Hauler requires 8 Energy units. Click on “Exit” and right click on the Church and click “Build”. There is a Clergy available, but again you are short on resources, this time 1 Gem - click on “Exit”. Again, the Clergy is a special unit that can only be built in a Church, in Hyperion many of the different structures can build special units not available in any of the other structures.
Click on the Archives menu and select Volume 3: Physics then click on Composite Armor located about halfway down on the left. Note that with Composite Armor, 4 units will become available, 3 in the Factory and 1 in the Fort. Also notice the list of units after the two pluses - there are 18 units. These 18 units will become available with the research of Composite Armor and at least one other technology - let's see if we can track some of these units down. Click “Close” and then go back to the Archives Menu again, this time clicking Volume 5: Military Units and click on Tanks located about halfway down on the left. There is a heading at the beginning of this section that details what units are discussed in this portion of the Manowitz. Below the unit's name, there is a lot of information presented about this unit in the Unit Summary section. The Unit Summary section is meant to be a brief description of the unit’s strengths and special abilities. After the Unit Summary section, there is the list of technologies that are prerequisites for that unit. Notice that the Medium Tank requires both Composite Armor and Energy Physics. Not only that, this list also includes all units that require Composite Armor and Energy Physics. Since we already have Energy Physics, we'll be able to construct these 10 units if we so desire when Composite Armor is completed. Click “Contents” then Tank Killers (right below Tanks) and notice that Tank Killers have the same complete listing of all units that require Composite Armor and Energy Physics. This is so that you do not have to hunt around to find out which units are going to be available with the same technology requirements. Click “Contents” and then Militia/Infantry/Viper Militia in the upper left. We've already seen that Infantry require only Composite Armor, but click "Next" to go to the next page. On the right of the page is the description for Flame Thrower Legions. They require Composite Armor, Energy Physics, and Psychosocial Engineering. Since we already have Psychosocial Engineering and Energy Physics, Flame Thrower Legions will also be available with the completion of Composite Armor! Click "Contents" and then click Psychics/Officers/Nobles (right below Militia/Infantry/Viper Militia). Notice that Fanatics require Pharmaceuticals, Composite Armor, and Meditation. Since we already have Pharmaceuticals and Meditation, we'll be able to build Fanatics when Composite Armor is completed as well. Next click "Contents" and then Basic PTS Weapons (4 down on the right). Notice that PTS Missile Launchers require Megachassis, Energy Physics, and Composite Armor. Again since we already have Megachassis and Energy Physics, these units also will be available with the completion of Composite Armor.
As can be seen, there will be many different units available when Composite Armor has been researched and it is clear now why that technology was selected. Click “Close” and right click on the Palace.
Here you have an Engineer and now we need to decide what city we’re going to build. The units we’re going to be building in the next few turns will require both Chemicals and Electronics. Right click on the Agora and check the price and availability of Chemicals and Electronics. The price and availability are almost identical. Let’s build an Electronics Plant since we’ll use more Electronics than Chemicals over the following years.
Let’s construct the Electronics Plant. Go back to the Palace and select the Engineer. Move the Engineer to any of the surrounding empty non-shielded hexes (I selected the hex southwest of the Palace)
and build an Electronics plant (reselect the Engineer if after moving him focus shifts to another unit). Note in the build screen that there are several different structures available.
After you have built the Electronics plant right click on any of your cities and click build. Select the Engineer and note that Engineers in Hyperion require 200 Food and 500 Metal to produce. The construction of a new city requires enough Food to feed the workers building the city and requires plenty of Metal to construct the actual structure. This is a major difference between standard EFS and Hyperion. You will have to rely more on the League to acquire enough resources to crank out Engineers early.
Next, right click on the Agora and purchase 200 Metal. There is now enough Metal to build an Engineer, right click on the Shield city and click “Build”. Double click on the Engineer and confirm the build. We are now producing an Engineer in our Shield City that will be finished in 4 turns. This is the same number of turns as in standard EFS.
Attacking Cities
Now let’s get ready to capture some cities! Go into space and select your Vlad Cruiser. Bombard the planet. Let’s pick the structure by itself near the middle left of the map (it’s the one in the mountains near the lake of water) – attack!
Note that in this stack there are 8 units in which you may have just destroyed one. Click “Combat Done” and then go to the city you just attacked. Right click on it
and notice that there are 1 Officer, 2 Rebel Partisans, 2 Militia, and depending on how successful your bombardment was, 1 SP Artillery, 1 Anti-Aircraft, 1 ATG, and 1 Artillery. With the Officer, the Partisans are going to be tough to get. Let’s see what the other cities hold.
Go back into space and bombard the planet again. This time attack both cities that are northeast of the Mine you attacked previously.
The Well has 6 units:
1 Partisan, 2 Militia, 1 SP Anti air, 1 SP Artillery, and 1 ATG (I destroyed the ATG during bombardment). The Farm has 4 units:
2 Militia, 1 SP Anti air, and 1 Artillery (again you may have destroyed 1 unit during bombardment). The Farm and Well are a lot less defended then the Mine, plus we do need a Well; however, it does have one Partisan unit in it so we will need a pretty sizeable force. Let’s prepare to attack this Well so that we can get start collecting some Energy.
Go into space and take one of the Assault Landers and land it in the Farm that is located to the southwest of your Palace (the one with 1 Militia, 1 Rebel Flak, 1 ATG, and 1 Rebel Art).
Load the Rebel Flak and Rebel Art onto your Lander
and blast off into space. Next take your second Lander and land in the Palace. Load the Rebel ATG and Rebel Art onboard
and blast off into space. Next take your Bulk Hauler and land in the Fort Northwest of your Palace. Load the Rebel Art, Scout Tank, and 2 Medium Tanks aboard
and blast off into space.
Now with your task force of 2 loaded Assault Landers and 1 Bulk Hauler, land next to the Rebel Well in the northeast hex.
Your Bulk Hauler will suffer damage upon landing, but that is okay. Return to the stack that just landed and notice the amount of terrain that has been uncovered by your landing stack. Right click on your stacks and note the spot of your Bulk Hauler and Assault Landers. Space ships in Hyperion have high spotting. Next, unload all of your units and select all the units but the Bulk Hauler (it has 0 movement anyway).
The Assault Landers can partake in the combat as well with their Close Combat. Attack the Well! You should be successful in your combat, if there are any rebel units that survived the conflict be sure to capture them. Leave a small contingent to protect your 2 Landers and Bulk Hauler and move the rest into the Well.
With the 5 Rebel units (3 Rebel Art, 1 Rebel Flak, 1 Rebel ATG unless you lost one in combat), move them towards the Farm,
attack; if any units route capture them and move the remaining units into the Farm.
Next let’s start cycling through your units. Pick any of the stacks and either sentry them or skip them for this turn. Continue to do this for the rest of your stacks until we get to the stack on Byzantium II.
Once you get to your stack on Byzantium II, load 2 Power Lgns aboard your Freighter,
blast off, and jump to Criticorum. Next, select one Rebel Flak and start moving it northwest.
Once you get near the top of the map, have it “bounce”
off the map by moving it southwest. Notice the speed of a Hover unit over this kind of terrain. Next take another Rebel Flak and send it northeast 2 hexes.
Note that you are right next to the Imperial Guard's forces and may start spotting a few of their units.
If you are curious, take a look at their stacks. The stack directly north of your Rebel Flak is a group of Imperial Guard Naval units.
Right click on this stack and notice that it consists of 1 Naval Cruiser (Tsunami) and 3 Naval Frigates (Moray Eels) (you may see more or less depending on how many you spotted). Note the attack capabilities and statistics of these units. The Naval Cruisers have Water and Air attack capabilities as well as the Naval Frigates. Note however, that the Naval Cruiser is much stronger in Air than Water, while the Naval Frigate is much stronger in Water than Air. Also note that the Frigates are faster than the Cruiser. You will also notice something strange about this stack of Naval units – their movement type. These Naval units have a movement type of W which means Wheel in standard EFS. In Hyperion, W means Water.
Once you are done looking at their units, skirt around the bottom of their cities
and again proceed northeast. Again, if you spotted any Imperial Guard Forces, you can look at their stacks if you’re curious. Right click on the other Naval stack
and note that it is comprised of the same units as the other Naval stack. Next right click on the Factory and look at this stack.
This stack contains 1 Imperial Missile Battery (Morning Star). Note that this unit has Indirect, Air, and Ranged Space. The Imperial Missile Battery is a special unit in Hyperion that cannot be built. There are special units in Hyperion that have been constructed by means that are kept highly secret. This is the case with the Ministries, the League, the Church, the Symbiots, the Vau, and the Rebels. Continue moving towards the North
and then East
to finish scouting with this unit.
If you spot any al-Malik forces you can take a look at them. Next take a Rebel ATG and send it directly south.
If you spot any Hazat units along the way, take a look at them. Next take another Rebel ATG and send it southwest.
Finally, take a Rebel Art and send it southeast.
If you spot any Decados or Hawkwood troops, take a look at them if you wish. This should give you a good amount of scouting in each direction from your Fort, radially. Go ahead and sentry the remaining stack on Byzantium II. If you are taken to any remaining stacks, skip them all to get to the end turn screen. Say “No” to the end turn screen.
Firebird Generation
Click on the “House” menu item to go to your House screen. Note that you’re pulling in around 1141 Firebirds in taxes and expending around 4455 Firebirds in unit pay (these numbers may be slightly different). At this rate, we will be broke next turn. First, raise the Tithe Skim to maximum (this should give you an additional 1128 Firebirds or so). We are still about 1500 Firebirds negative, so let’s drop your unit pay. Because you selected 2 positive loyalty traits (Noblesse Oblige and Rule of Law) your units have 95% loyalty. Until we are able to find better means of generating Firebirds, we need to drop unit pay. Click "Exit" and right click on one of your stacks of units. Note that they indeed have 95% loyalty. We can drop Unit Pay quite a bit and still not worry about rebellion. Return to the "House" Menu and drop your loyalty 50 percentage points by clicking in the -10% area 5 times:
Your overall loyalty will be 45% (95%-50%) and you should be spending around 2227 Firebirds in Unit Pay per turn or so. This will give about +40 Firebirds per turn, but with one Lab, we will actually be dropping about 450 Firebirds per turn since Labs cost 500 Firebirds to run. This drop is acceptable for right now, click on the “Exit” button and select “Yes” to the “Are you sure” message (ensure that the Advisor states that your units will lose 50 loyalty).
Next click on the “Diplomacy” menu item and then click on the Vau. Selling maps to the Vau is an excellent way to generate money. Sell them the map of Kish (any where from 800 to 1500 Firebirds or so) and Byzantium II (around 750 to 1300 Firebirds or so).
Return to the House screen, you should have made about 2000 Firebirds or so from those transactions. This gives us a little more breathing room.
Resource Harvesting and Production
Click on “Exit” and return to the planetside of Kish. Let’s look at your resource generation. Right click on the Food icon; you should be harvesting around 203 points and consuming around 176 points. We have a slight surplus. Next go to Energy production and note that we’re harvesting 70 points or so and consuming 20. We’re harvesting around 64 Metal, 25 Trace with 10 consumption, 0 Exotics, and 0 Gems. The only production facility we have right now is the Electronics Plant, which is consuming 20 Energy and 10 Trace. Currently, it is producing 9 units.
For now we can buy some more resources from the League to aid us in the production of units and resources.
Purchasing from the Agora to Build Units
Go back to the Church and click “Build” and then click on the Clergy. Let’s go ahead and build a Clergy unit by double clicking on it. A screen with popup allowing us to purchase resources from the League, go ahead and do that for the 71 Firebirds. We’re going to need more Gems to produce more Clergy, so let’s purchase the remaining 9 Gems from the League Agora. Move the Gems into your Church and Sentry them.
Other Cities, Units, and more on the Archive Volumes
Let’s take a look at some of the other cities and see which units have been spotted. Right click on the Fort just north of your Factory.
This Fort is owned by the Imperial Eye and contains 12 units - all units within the spot radius of your units are automatically spotted at the beginning of the game. This stack contains 1 Stealth Lander (Night Hawk), 1 Assassin, 1 Imperial Eye Network (Omniscient), 1 PTS Missile, 3 Heavy Infantry Lgns, 1 Rebel Flak, 1 Rebel ATG, 2 Rebel Art, and one Food Pod.
The Stealth Lander is a very advanced unit that will not be available until late in the game. Click on exit and then go to Volume 5: Military Units on the Archives Menu. Click on Assault Landers (about midway down on the right). This section details all the units that fall under the Assault Lander class. Note that certain units also have a Special Abilities section underneath the Unit Summary section. The Special Abilities section describes certain special capabilities of that unit, in this case the Assault Lander has 2 Cargo Slots, will not suffer damage due to terrain when landing, does not consume Food, and is Immune to Ranged Space Weaponry. Click on “Next” twice to go two pages forward and start reading about Stealth Assault Landers and its technology requirements. Note that it requires Assault Lander Applied Technology and Cloaking Shields. To amuse ourselves, let’s take a look at the Cloaking Shields technology, by going to Volume 3: Physics and then clicking on Cloaking Shields (3rd down on the right).
Cloaking Shields
(4150) Discontinuity Field Generator (-5) +
(5700) Neumonic Armor (-9)
(8100) Cloaking Shields (-9)
One thing to note is that a Lab requires 1/100th of its tech research cost for upkeep rounded down to the nearest integer. 1/100th of Cloaking Shield's research point cost is 81 (8100/100). This means that a Lab requires 81 points to upkeep the Cloaking Shields technology. This does not include any of the prerequisites for the Cloaking Shields technology, but only Cloaking Shields. Including Cloaking Shield's two prerequisite technologies, the Lab upkeep cost of Discontinuity Field Generator is 41 (4150/100) and Neumonic Armor is 57 (5700/100). This means that the total cost of upkeeping these 3 technologies is 41+57+81=179 research points! Remember that this upkeep is only for these 3 technologies and does not include any prerequisites for Neumonic Armor and Discontinuity Field Generator. In Hyperion, researching some technologies requires a huge investment in both research time and upkeep, and so it is encouraged to trade technologies with other players (especially in multi-player games!).
Click on “Close” and go back to the Imperial Eye Fort. There is an Assassin in this stack as well. Take a look at the Assassin’s statistics and then go to Volume 5: Military Units and select Spies and Assassins (4 down on the left). Look at the technologies needed for Assassins and note the technologies required for this unit. There is a -6 Church Dislike Factor associated with the research of Assassins, so we will most likely have to deal with the Church if we wish to research this technology. Read the Spies section and note that Spies are the input unit for Assassins.
Let’s go back to the Imperial Eye stack and look at the Imperial Eye Network (Omniscient). Note that it has 50 Spot. This is a huge advantage for someone who acquires the Imperial Eye; intelligence is the ‘Eye’s forte. Let’s go to Volume 1: The Known Worlds and click on Regency and Ministry Units (9 down on the left). The first part of this treatise covers the Regency in detail and then discusses Ministry Units. Click "Next" 3 times to get to the section on the Ministry Units. Note that Ministry Unit construction is highly secretive and that there is only a guess as to which technologies must have been used to create that unit. The Imperial Eye Network is listed near the bottom of the next page on the right. It is not known what the technologies are to build these special units since the secrets are so heavily guarded. Read the rest of the section if you are interested.
Let’s go back to the Imperial Eye Fort and look at the Heavy Infantry Legion. Go to Volume 5: Military Units and click on Militia/Infantry/Viper Militia (top left). You've already read about Infantry but read the section on Heavy Infantry (click next). Note that Heavy Infantry units require Infantry as input units and have Ceramsteel and Monofilament as technology requirements. Both of these technologies are not too far off.
Next let’s right click on the Agora on Kish.
Depending on who you’ve spotted, you will see 1 Merchant, 1 League Security Droid, 2 Infantry, 1 Rebel Flak, 1 Rebel ATG, 1 Rebel Art, and a lot of Cargo Pods. Go to Volume 1: The Known Worlds and click on Leagueheim and League Units (6 down on the left). Again, this treatise covers the League and Leagueheim in detail and then covers the League units. Click “Next” 4 times and you'll see League Forces in the upper right. This is the start of the League Forces section and describes unique League units. Both the Merchant and League Security Droid are listed here. You can read the rest of the section if you wish, but note that none of the units in this section can be built, those secrets are hidden all too well.
Next click "Contents" and Note that among the descriptions of the different races and sects in Emperor of the Fading Suns there is also a description of the various buildings that are available for construction either now or as the game progresses. Click on Farm (about halfway down on the left). This section describes the use of the Farm, the resources it collects and their value, any special units it produces as the game progresses, and any units that do not consume Food.
Click “Next” to go to the Mine and read that section, then click on “Next” to go to the Well. Again, read this entire section, but note that at the end there is also a Unit Hierarchy:
Well Unit Hierarchy:
Naval Transport
|<>Armored Naval Transport
Naval Frigate
|<>Naval Destroyer
|<>Guided Missile Frigate
|<>Guided Missile Destroyer
|<>Meson Naval Destroyer
Naval Cruiser
|<>Naval Battleship
|<>Guided Missile Cruiser
|<>Guided Missile Battleship
|<>Meson Naval Cruiser
|<>Meson Naval Battleship
Naval Aircraft Carrier
|<>Advanced Naval Carrier
|<>Meson Naval Carrier
The Unit Hierarchy lists any units that are upgrades of other units. For instance, the Naval Transport is the input unit for the Armored Naval Transport, and the Naval Frigate is the input unit for 5 units: Naval Destroyer, Guided Missile Frigate, Guided Missile Destroyer, and Meson Naval Destroyer. Read the rest of the entire Volume 1 if you wish to get a general idea of the usefulness of the structures in Hyperion, paying particular attention to the information on Factories, Forts, and Starports.
Once you are done perusing the Archives end your turn.
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